Thursday, 20 January 2011

Routine...or distinct lack thereof!

Bleurgh. How are you meant to change anything when you haven't left the starting block? How many days ago did I write, palpably, that things were going to change around here? Well, that's how many days I've sat in a room with a floor that looks more like an ocean of clothes and a distinct lack of momentum for the things I should be doing. Bleurgh. Welcome to reality, as i know it. My sleeping pattern is seriously messed up...right now, it's about lunch time for me, and I have a whole night of moonlight to accompany through what should effectively be my working day. Ohhh dear. Wonders never cease. Tomorrow I NEED to be up at 6am and I NEED to get my routine going. Once that starts, I can actually get somewhere. So please, someone give me a nudge tomorrow and kick me into shape?!

On a more groovy note, I have been having the most AMAZING dreams...I've been to parties with David Cook, on many odd adventures with Derren Brown and seen a lot of nostalgic faces! Maybe sleeping in the daytime could be a good thing, afterall. They've been those dreams that you hardly want to wake from...the ones that put cheeky little grins on your face. Sometimes I wish my mind wasn't so active and my imagination wasn't so eager. And if my dreams weren't odd enough...last night I was talking to Matt Lucas from Little Britain about British weather and insomia at 5am. Could things get weirder? Not only that, but Alistair Griffin made my night even better by twittering me 4 words that made my day very brilliant: "let's make it happen". Could 2011 be the year I finally meet him? According to him, it might :)

Anyway, must get Happy Friday everyone. Friday?...eeks!

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