Thursday, 13 January 2011

Change your thoughts and you change your world.

So when your eulogy is being read
With your life’s actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say 
About how you spent your dash?

This is the final stanza of a poem that was introduced to me by someone I consider to be special. Since the moment I read it, it has become an integral part of my daily thinking. If I ask myself the question it poses, the answer would indefinately be 'no'. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of numerous things I have achieved over the years, but I have missed out on so much that is important to me. This is about to change, and at the end of this journey, the answer will be uneqivocally, 'yes'. This blog is about honesty. If you are reading this, it means you want to hear my honesty, and if you don't...well, this isn't the place for you.

I'm a 22 year old romanticist with too many ideas than I know how to handle. Words move me and make me. Books are magical. If you gave me a cottage with a flower garden and a few special people, I would make it my world. If you were one of those special people, I would give you my world. I am a mass of contradictions, but they all join together to make sense only to myself. I like things that tell stories. The seaside makes everything clear but I hate the feel of sand on my feet. My feet are ridiculously small. I, too, am ridiculously small. You can win me over with a smile any day. I make a lot of mistakes, and I don't think I'll ever stop. Cheese...well let's not go there. I'm at my happiest when I'm spilling words onto a page with no direction. When I find the direction, I find my heart. Jack Hagley makes me question, Ainslie Henderson makes me think and David Cook makes me believe. In fact, the latter changes me daily. I don't expect anyone to comprehend that.

When I look on life I deem myself to be incredibly lucky, but I am lacking somewhat too. Above, is the flowery version of my life. But what I forgot to mention is I'm a 22 year old, overweight, unconfident, lost girl with a confusion of dreams and a penchant for words that define her existence. 

This blog marks the start of the journey of girl who will change her life. She will face things that have always scared her, lose the weight that has always stopped her, and find the face that matches her heart.

This is the start and I will reach the end.

Welcome to my journey through the days that will change my life.

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