Saturday, 15 January 2011

"If things start happening, don't worry, don't stew, just go right along and you'll start happening too."

The title of this blog is a quote from a book by Dr. Seuss that pretty much encapsulates today. On my way out of the house to see the lovely people in the fruit shop this afternoon, I opened a letter from Wolverhampton University. I HAVE AN INTERVIEW FOR THE GTP!!! My original reaction was a huge grin and the excited tummy butterflies...instantaneously followed by the 'Oh goodness, this is happening' butterflies. I spent the next few minutes ignoring the fact I was stood outside waiting for a bus, and started panicking about the group interviews, my interview, my presentation, the fact i haven't got original GCSE certificates...PANIC OVERLOAD! What was the point of all that? All it did was plant seeds of doubt in my head that I would probably feed, profusely, for the next 7 weeks until the interview, causing them to be huge trees of panic to shadow me when I get there. No. Dr. Seuss is spot on. I've waited for a long time for things to start happening, and telling myself that 22 will be the year. I wanted this so badly, and my seemingly indissoluble worrying isn't going to stop me. It has stopped me for far too long. So next time any of you worry about something: thinking of all the negatives, the 'what ifs' of a situation...take each of them and slide a positive next to them, and before you know it, the light outweighs those shadows. Whatever you believe is truth.

I have an interview for the GTP...and  the minute I walk through their door, my smile will be far from incredulous. :-)

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